Image 1: Fotos anteriores do corpo (antes e depois) do Mommy Makeover®
Image 2: Fotos anteriores de perfil 3/4 (antes e depois) do Mommy Makeover®
Image 3: Fotos de lado (antes e depois) do Mommy Makeover®
Image 4: Fotos posteriores (antes e depois) do Mommy Makeover®
Vídeo 1: Mommy Makeover ® – Vídeo Antes e Depois
Descrição do Caso Clínico
Mulher mãe de 1 filho, com adiposidade localizada nos flancos, no abdómen, na face interna das coxas. Apresentava também assimetria das mamas e mamas descaídas (Ptose Mamária). Foram realizadas duas técnicas inovadoras, com o mínimo de cicatrizes, no abdómen e na mama.
No caso da mama, foram utilizados uns novos implantes mamários com uma forma em gota, com revestimento de poliuretano da marca alemã Polytech, que devido à sua projecção permitiram levantar a mama, fazendo apenas uma incisão à volta da areola.
No caso do abdómen, foi realizada vibrolipoaspiração e, através da utilização de um equipamento especial, foi possível fazer toda a correcção do afastamento dos músculos abdominais provocados pela gravidez (plicatura dos tectos abdominais) utilizando apenas uma incisão semelhante à de uma cesariana, muito mais pequena do que a tradicional abdominoplastia. Foi também realizada vibrolipoaspiração dos flancos do dorso, para melhorar o contorno corporal e da face interna das coxas. Estes procedimentos melhoraram de forma drástica a forma do corpo, contribuindo para uma silhueta mais jovem e mais feminina, melhorando substancialmente as zonas mais afectadas pela gravidez: a mama e o abdómen.
O período de recuperação é de cerca de 15 dias a 3 semanas. A intervenção durou cerca de 4h30 e foi realizada com epidural e sedação.
About Doctor
Dr. Alice Varanda Pereira / Plastic Surgery
Member of The Portuguese Medical Association, Nr. 47051
Graduated by the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Lisbon, she completed her master’s degree in human sexuality and is currently developing her PhD at this same institution.
She joined the University faculty academic staff in 2008 as a lecturer of the Institute of Anatomy. It is in this unit that she produces most of her research projects, mainly in the area of surgical anatomy, whilst also supervising master’s thesis for undergraduate students.
About Doctor
Dr. Mariana da Rocha Martins / Plastic Surgery
Member of The Portuguese Medical Association – Nr. 55124
Graduated by the Abel Salazar Institute of Biomedical Sciences at the University of Porto and specialized in reconstructive and aesthetic plastic surgery at Hospital de São José, in Lisbon.
Throughout her specific training in plastic surgery, she worked in internationally renowned institutions such as Institut Kaplan (Barcelona), La Clinic (Montreux) and Great Ormond Street Hospital (London).
About Doctor
Dr. Marta Gouveia Duarte / Plastic Surgery
Member of The Portuguese Medical Association, Nº 57817
Graduated in Medicine from the School of Health Sciences of the University of Minho, where she completed her Master’s thesis in Human Aging.
She concluded her specialty in Plastic, Reconstructive, and Aesthetic Surgery at the Centro Hospitalar de Lisboa Central – Hospital de São José.
Collaborates in several research projects at NOVA Medical School.
About Doctor
Dr. Filipa Oliveira/ Plastic Surgery
PORTUGUESE MEDICAL ASSOCIATION: registration Nº. 59147, specialist in Reconstructive and Aesthetic Plastic Surgery.
Graduated in Medicine from the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto, where she completed her Master’s thesis on pediatric scars.
PhD in Medicine from the University of Münster in Germany.
After completing her specialty, she became a Senior Graduate Assistant (Oberärztin) at the Fachklinik Hornheide and the University of Münster. She is currently involved in various research projects at the University of Münster, where she is supervising doctoral students. She is also a regular correspondent for scientific and leisure magazines in Germany.
About Doctor
Dra. Sara Carvalho / Plastic Surgery
Member of the Portuguese Medical Association, Nr. 60781, specialising in Reconstructive and Aesthetic Plastic Surgery.
Graduated from the Faculty of Medicine in Lisbon and completed her speciality in Reconstructive and Aesthetic Plastic Surgery at the Centro Hospitalar Lisboa Central – Hospital de São José.
She has completed various courses in aesthetic and reconstructive breast surgery and aesthetic facial surgery, including Breast Reconstruction Live Surgery at the CA’ Foncello Hospital in Treviso, Italy, Breast Cancer Reconstruction Art – Seminar and Live Surgery at the Champalimaud Foundation in Lisbon and the European Course of Rhinoplasty in Brussels.